Saturday, November 17, 2012

Food Feelings: The Fat Nutritionist and the Fear of Starvation.

I discovered an article today that made a lot of sense to me. It was by the fat nutritionist. (Just discovered this website.)  The article is titled "Food Addiction, natural rewards, and self-fulfilling prophecies."

 Here's the link:

Basically the author, Michelle, explains that denying yourself sweets and fats and guilting yourself about them only leads to feeling the primal fear of starvation. And what do our bodies do when there is a threat of starvation? It craves those things that will fatten it up. So, for many of us, deprivation leads to intense cravings and binging. Like a bear before winter.

The solution? Just give yourself permission. Stop "shoulding" yourself because it'll only make things worse. You'll learn that you aren't in danger of starvation because those foods are not forbidden. Then you get fat, right? You eat all you can eat right? Wrong! You eat less of those things because you aren't craving them all the time.

So next time someone asks you: "Are you going to have any cake?" Instead of saying  "Oh I really shouldn't but I will anyways" you'll find yourself saying "Well I could but I don't really want to."

It's only been a few hours since I started changing my mindset. The freedom is astonishing. I have eaten less and I don't feel guilty about what I have eaten. I think this is a breakthrough.

Please send me any interesting article that you find related to this topic, or any other health and fitness topic you like,  and if I like it I'll give it a spotlight like this one!

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