Saturday, November 17, 2012

God Answers Prayers

I've been getting really discouraged about my fitness goals. I have not been working out much and I haven't lost any weight since Halloween. I had been walking or running after the kids went to bed but now it is too cold and dark for that.  My husband simply doesn't have time to take the kids for me and he is struggling with anxiety. I can't afford a gym membership and I don't have the time to get dressed decently and drive there and back anyways. The only reason I have time to post on my blog is because I got a killer kink in my neck and it hurts to turn my head or even to bend over.

People will always say "you have to MAKE time" for working out.  Well, there is only so much time you can make out of 24 hours. Lately, being a homemaker, wife, and mother has been like having two full time jobs., and I don't want to fall short on my most important duties. 

So I brought my frustrations to the Lord. I must say, I'm always so distracted when I pray, but I remember expressing my depression about my fitness to God at some point. Sometimes the Lord knows that we are trying, and even if we aren't great at praying, and can't seem to focus, if we pray with real intent, He hears us.  

I know that the Lord knows my desires. He knows that I want so badly to be fit. He knows that I don't have an extra 45 minutes every day to go to the gym. He knows that Michael cannot take the kids for me for an hour every day while I work out. 

So He answered my prayer for help. How? He provided a way for me to get a treadmill! FOR FREE!!! Check out freecycle ya'll. Someone in my area is getting rid of their treadmill. So now I can get my cardio inside and at home. 

The Lord loves us and knows what is important to us. He cares about our physical health. He wants us to "run and not be weary and walk and not faint." (Doctrine and Covenants 89: 20)  

I am so psyched about our new treadmill! I just have to figure out how to get it to my house...

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